Flies are, unfortunately, an inevitable part of life in California and the rest of the world. They are a true pest and nuisance due to their incredibly bothersome constant flying and no one is ever happy to see them around. A House Fly can lay up to 100 eggs at a time that will hatch in less than 24 hours which means an infestation can last for months at a time. 

Typically flies can grow to be anywhere from a couple of millimeters to a few centimeters large depending on the type of fly. They are winged insects that typically have bulky bodies and large beady eyes that allow them to see from many different angles. 

Why Do Flies Enter Your Home? 

Flies enter your home for the same reasons you do, they want to survive. Homes offer flies, and many other creepy crawlers, a great source of protection from the elements and predators, food, and water.

Flies, especially, love all of the garbage your home has because they eat decaying organic items like old fruits, vegetables, and anything else on its way out. 

Flies are very sneaky and will follow you in when you walk through a door, or find an open window or opening that doesn’t have a screen on it. Depending on the type of fly, they can also come up through cracks and crevices and even gaps in pipes. 

Different Types of Flies Found in California 

California is home to many different types of flies which leaves local residents prone to a full on infestation. Some of the more common flies found in LA and Orange county are: 

  • Black Fly: Also known as the “buffalo gnat” or “no-see-ums” are annoying flies known for their irritating bites due to them being blood suckers. These flies can cause a lot of irritation due to their constant biting which can cause irritation of the skin, itchiness, and run a risk of spreading disease. 
  • House Fly: The most common, and well known, type of fly is the House Fly. These flies are known for their garbage eating habits that spread disease since they feast on decaying matter. They vomit, and other bodily functions, on most surfaces they touch and can carry diseases that affect humans. 
  • Fruit Fly: These tiny flies are smaller than the House Fly and will most likely be found around produce left out either ripened or fermenting. They are more of a nuisance, but can contaminate the food surfaces they land on by spreading bacteria and organisms. 
  • Drain Fly: Drain flies appear around heavy moisture areas, or standing water, which is most common around drains and pipes. They can spread bacteria to other surfaces, such as food, from their living conditions. 
  • Flesh Fly: Flesh flies, at first glances, look like House Flies, except they are larger and have checkered abdomens. Adult flesh flies aren’t a concern, but their larvae are known for burrowing in wounds of livestock which can cause issues for humans who consume the livestock. 

Signs of Flies in Your Home

Here are a few signs of a fly infestation in your home.

  • Consistent fly activity: Noticing a consistent, or increased, amount of fly activity is the most prominent sign of a fly infestation. 
  • Maggots: Finding live maggots around the inside or outside of your home is a sign of a severe infestation. 
  • Noise: The infamous fly buzzing noise on a consistent basis is another sign that your home may be infested with flies. 

Tips to Prevent Flies 

Here are 5 tips to prevent fly infestations in your home. 

Regular cleaning

Maintaining a high level of cleanliness from top to bottom will help reduce incentive for flies to thrive inside your home. 

Garbage removal

Ensuring that the indoor garbage is taken out weekly will help with keeping flies away since they eat a lot of items found in garbage. Cleaning out garbage cans regularly too will reduce build up of smells and bacteria. 

Screens and Seals

Inspecting all screen windows and doors will help with physically keeping flies out. Also ensuring there are no gaps in areas that need to be sealed will keep flies and others pests out too. 

Hire a pest control service

Finding a pest control service who will help treat flies is the best way to keep flies from ever becoming a problem! 

Contact Pacific Pest Control 

Fly infestations are extremely frustrating and potentially dangerous to you and your family. They are known for spreading harmful bacteria and disease and can quickly reproduce a large population overnight. 

Contact Pacific Pest Control to talk to a certified technician about preventing or treating a fly infestation.